Today EY hosted an online HR and Digital network event, entitled "GBS HR and the future of work. The session was hosted by Chris Clarke, Manager at EY, Julia Lewis, Director, Advisory at EY and other guest speakers included Vidya Srinivasan, Digital HR Transformation and Service Delivery Consultant at EY and Lorna Brankley, Senior Manager, HR Transformation at EY.
The session included:
Julia started off the session focusing on the current environment and the case of digitalisation. She covered the 4 key actions that GBS need to address to operate in the "new normal". Which were put peoples wellbeing first, protect service delivery, be agile to business needs and engage stakeholders. There was also a live Menti poll running alongside the presentation which asked the question "What have you found the hardest to manage with the ongoing situation. This brought up many answers, including employees having to reduce working hours whilst still having business demands to meet, managing global travel restrictions to deliver business critical needs and maximum capacity for HR when we need to manage the employee situation. Julia then moved on to discuss how GBS organisations will move back to "business as usual" and into the recovery phase, once the impact from the Covid19 virus has eased off.
The next part of the session focused on the Future of HR and the Future of work and how it will change employee demands and expectations. This included personalisation, collaboration, flexible working, speed of information, influence and belonging and wellbeing. Another Menti question asked the question "What are your biggest blockers in being more digital in your HR GBS!? This raised answers including, data privcy, data protection and connected technology. Lorna, Chris and Vidya then presented 3 of their use cases as examples and shared how they solved the problems.