Our latest FA&R network meeting took place on the 13th of September at J,Murphy & Sons in Warrington, hosted by Lubnah Alam, Head of Shared Services - Finance Function.
After an introduction from Lubnah, there was a project showcase from J.Murphy & Sons, highlighting exactly what they do. The feature on the top non-compliant areas in R2R across the network, gave members a chance to bring along their own and share within the group. There was an interesting and very insightful presentation on what they do with their reporting of non-compliance, which created a great debate on how this influences behaviours and change and is that just within R2R or the wider business impact?
We also welcomed Engie, who presented a showcase of SharePoint and Controls - Journals. The presentation will be available to download within our resources section.
Amazing feedback has been received from the event, including the following:
"Fantastic conversation and engagement at our FAR network meeting today at J.Murphy & Sons. Thankyou for all your presence, looking forward to the next meeting on the 10th of October" - Lubnah Alam, J.Murphy & Sons.
"Thank you so much for hosting on Friday Lubnah - what a great event. It was really lovely to meet everyone - looking forward to seeing you all again soon" - Nikki Hargreaves, News UK
We would also like to thank BlackLine our sponsors for the FA&R network events.
Our next FA&R network meeting will take place on the 10th of October at Lonza Biologics in Manchester, hosted by Andrew Hickson - Head of Finance at Lonza. Details on agenda are being finalised.
We hope to see you there.