Our last Leaders event is taking place on the 18th of September at Hotel Football, Old Trafford in Manchester. We still have a few spaces available and registration for this event will close on Monday the 9th of September. Please register via the event page at https://sharedservicesforumuke...
For any information please contact Meg.bell@sharedservicesforumuk.com
Board Directors, David Herd and Lisa Hooley will open the meeting with a session focusing on business demands, changing demands and future direction. Which will provide a great opportunity to share current challenges and changes you may currently be facing, within the group.
Heather Wright, Award winning Speaker & Director at Advance Performance, will provide an insightful speech on “Creating resilient teams that coach each other”. What drives team performance, how to create resilience and a coaching environment that delivers a sustainable performance and provide techniques and insights into individual values and work drivers.
We will also have GP Helen Garr joining us with her “Go to Rome” interactive speech, looking at the 5 ways to wellbeing and how we can make changes in our working and day to day lives to improve health and happiness. Helen will also share tips on how to manage email overload and how physical activity, mindfulness and connecting with others can improve your work life balance.
We hope you will join us for what will be highly topically event which will lead us nicely into our FUTURE VISION: TOMORROW NOW annual conference 2019.