We are delighted to welcome Charles Cotton, Senior Performance and Reward Adviser at CIPD to our first HR & Payroll network event taking place online on Tuesday February 21st at 10am.
Charles is the CIPD’s performance and reward specialist for HR and public policy. He's worked with some of the UK’s leading organisations to create a range of reward products and diagnostic tools for practitioners.
He manages the CIPD’s annual reward survey, which shows the current trends and developments in UK pay and benefit practice and the employee attitudes to pay survey, which examines pay and bonus satisfaction across the economy.
Charles recently led:
the creation of a good practice guide on communicating pensions;
the development of a guide on how employers can help improve their employees’ financial well-being;
the production of briefings on employee share plans and reward and diversity;
a study on how front line managers make and communicate reward decisions to their employees;
research into how employers will need to adapt their reward practices in light of demographic changes
an investigation into how organisations can manage the risks around they reward their staff
a study on the business case for pensions
research into how employers determine CEO pay
a study into how organisations have responded to automatic enrolment
and a study of how employers conduct a pay review process.
Charles is also responsible for development of the Institute’s position on public policy reward issues (http://tinyurl.com/6jgrhmf) and has responded on various government consultations, such as on pensions, retirement, tax and executive remuneration.
He frequently appears in the media commentating on reward and is often invited to present on his research at reward conferences and events.
Charles is a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD and a pension trustee.
Charles’s expertise include: reward strategy; total reward; reward communication and workplace financial education; demographic change and reward; pensions and retirement; flexible and voluntary benefits; reward risk management; pay structures; performance-based pay; the annual pay cycle; and short- and long-term incentives.