Member Testimonials

My first introduction to Shared Services Forum UK was an invitation to the ‘Future Vision Tomorrow NOW’ annual conference on the 20th and 21st of November 2019. Wow is all I can say. The speakers were both engaging and inspiring. 

A great insight to best practice, networking and learning. SSF UK hold various network meetings where you can meet other employers from key industries from around the country and participate in round table discussions, even though some may not be your area of expertise, you often learn something new that you can bring back to your workplace. Attending the SSF Payroll network events has allowed me to reach out to other members and raise questions around either general payroll or legislation change. We can speak openly and share or gather information to help each other to be the best we can be, and I would definitely recommend Shared Service Forum UK to all Payroll professionals at whatever level you are at.

Susan Clayton, Bupa UK

Over the past 10 years they have been a valuable source of information, innovation and guidance for all aspects of Shared Services. There are a number of Shared Service resources available to connect with, what makes the Shared Service Forum UK different and the resource to go to, is its individual networks. These are a unique resource that I and other members can ‘tap’ into. 

SSF UK keep themselves relevant by introducing new networks like the Digital and Operational Excellence. Although I have been in the Purchase to Pay world for a long time, I am constantly amazed how much I am still learning from fellow members via our network. 

I really enjoyed being the Co-Chair of the Purchase to Pay network, not only welcoming members to our network events but encouraging them to use the SSF UK website. It is an invaluable source of material, its like a network in its own right!

Diane Bamford, Lonza Biologics

Being part of the Shared Services Forum UK is really rewarding. The forum provides an opportunity to meet others experiencing similar challenges, take learnings back to your own business and being able to provide support to others. Knowing you can reach out for advice to this network outside of the sessions is valuable. The member sessions are really insightful, well organised and provide a chance to build relationships with friendly, likeminded people in a secure and safe environment.

Holly Springhall, Boots UK

I’ve only been able to attend a couple of the recent events due to work commitments – but from these I would say that I really enjoy being part of the Shared Services Forum UK, both for what I can gain from others in the industry and, also what I can share from our unique perspective in social care.  It’s an excellent forum for networking and meeting others facing similar people related challenges and hearing how they have tackled these. The events themselves are always well thought-through, well organised and add value in every case.

Eleanor Minshall, Community Integrated Care

At a time when everyone (provider, expert, consultant) has got something to say and will drag on your time, it’s important to know who is in your corner. The shared service industry is going through real challenges and SSF UK offers some great learning, development, support and feedback outlets. The team have put on a massive array of events over 2020, even more in lockdown, to support us during this charged period, catering for all needs. SSF UK offers my organisation structured development opportunities, a critical friend, an open door and some expert advice for those who have done it but not with a shine and veneer which doesn’t display the real world. Telling the truth in an open and encouraging environment has worked over the last months and we look forward to more of the events, especially the “Virtual Leaders event & September Social.

Thanks for all the support.

Dan Foley, Kier Group

Shared Services Forum UK has been a life saver during lock down! They’ve not stopped the great events they do... it’s good to be able to share challenges, learn from each other and share successes! I’m lucky to be part of the coffee time too which is brilliant when you just need a break from the four walls, a video call with some lovely people to chat and put a smile on your face. 

I’ve been part of the SSF UK for around a year now, they’ve got so much to offer and always asking how they can improve too which is brilliant, shows how much they take interest in their customer experience! The SSF conferences and events throughout the year are one of a kind - interesting, a lot of networking, sharing knowledge but best of all fun... it’s nice to be a place with like minded people.  Big shout out to Lynsey, always the ‘go to’ person if I have any questions and she’s always willing to help so thank you!! Look forward to being apart of the SSF UK journey for many more years.

Leanne Chapman, Hallmark Cards

The Shared Services Forum UK is a fantastic organisation to be part of for anyone working within this function. 

The different networks open up great opportunities for networking, sharing ideas and learning what’s happening in the world of Shared Services. The events that are run by SSF UK are full of great and useful content and always have fantastic speakers

Samantha Ryan, ITV

I have been aware of the Shared Service Forum UK for some time now primarily due to the quality of the events run with high profile leaders, contributors & strong delegate listing.

As our SSC world continues to morph & mature and evolve the requirement to keep pace and support an ever more complex and growing transactional / regulatory footprint continues unabated the forum has consistently sought to bring to the forefront and share to its membership trends, technologies, ways of working and networking sessions facilitate collaborative thinking and direction.

Recently I have found tremendous value during these highly uncertain times the proactive set up for SSC drop-in sessions whereby professionals in our space can touch base, have a sounding board to openly share good day, challenges, emotions and fears generally the stuff that means so much to people but can get forgotten.  Some of us have been in this industry for more years than we care to remember but a common thread exists is the passion we have for what we do, the SSF UK and the team within really understand this and are a pivotal network / event provider as a result

A huge personal and professional thank you from me all the team at SSF UK and hope you continue to keep the events coming for many years to come!

Damien Cripps, DWF

There are several reasons why I believe being part of the SSF is essential and should be an integral part of every company's toolbox.

1.It is a recognised forum in the industry and a go-to place to consult with other professionals.
2.It allows members to take part and I fully believe it enhances and adds to your personal development
3.Regular workshops and conferences ensure you are up to date with the latest trend, regulation and compliance.
4.I always feel the real value and power is being part of such a vast professional network, with the added advantage of the breakout specialisms to narrow down on the expertise you need.
5.Support and reference material is on hand if needed.
6.Social media interaction. Great post all the time always relevant and timely, keeps the finger on the pulse and just what is needed.
7.SSF UK as an organisation does have a certain amount of power and influence, some of the takeaways from the conferences certainly have changed the way companies do their Business
8.Not for profit.  Simply put is a forum for the benefit for member and the SSF community, just refreshing.
I love my role as Co-Chair of OTC, to learn and share and steal from others is just brilliant.  I had some great support when changing positions, this was so welcomed at the time and spurred me on.

Martin Kirby, Business Stream 

If I think about the events I’ve attended, I like having one place, for instance the SSF UK Website, where we can see everything about the meetings set and the resources that are available. I like being able to have an open discussion with different members. We learn from each other and share our knowledge. It’s great platform for discussion and I’m very happy to be part of it.

Hasna Faik, SPX Flow Europe Ltd

As a new member of the Shared Services Forum UK, I’ve been really impressed with the variety of events and resources available. Everything from leaders networking events, to motivational speakers, to subject-specific deep dives have been made available to us and me and my team are really enjoying being part of the lively community. Although we joined right before Covid hit, the Forum quickly pivoted to an online series of events which we have found to be great. If anything, its easier than ever to attend an event because no travel is required! Coupled with the inclusive way that membership is set up (an unlimited number of people from your organisation can be included by your corporate membership), it makes the Forum really easy to interact with and start utilising straight away. I encourage everyone in my team to take part, and I myself am now a regular contributor. Everyone is friendly and welcoming, and it’s great to have a community of Shared Services professionals to bounce ideas around with. Despite having only been a member for a few months, we’ve already made connections and have even been able to set up some insightful benchmarking with other companies. I am genuinely excited to see what more we can get from our membership and am looking forward to this year’s conference.

Jessica Ritchie, RTX

Shared Services Forum UK is a great community allowing all members to share knowledge, experience and best practice. During face to face and online meetings, we are making connections and networking together on a regular basis.

SSF UK organises events like quarterly networks meetings (FA&R, PTP, OTC, HR & Payroll, Digital & Operational Excellence), Collaboration Week and annual conferences which are a great occasion to meet and increase the knowledge in soft and core skills areas. The community offers a great deal of additional webinars which support networking and member development. I had the pleasure to join a few sessions this year and I enjoyed them a lot. I used some of the presented techniques in in my day-to-day work and life. 

The Forum offers a website which is very user friendly. We can ask questions related to our processes, leadership or innovations. There is also a library containing members’ presentations and recorded sessions from our meetings.

The community supports technology by inviting partners to share their tools and innovations via webinars. Thanks to this, all members are well informed of which new improvements, tools and systems are on the market. The atmosphere is always very positive. The network chairs engaged all members to share their experiences. They also support questions or challenges we have. During meetings (online and face to face) I feel extremely engaged and welcomed. I made some new connections and retained contact with colleagues from previous employments

Joanna Baines, McBride

I have found that being part of the Shared Service Forum UK has personally given me confidence and I had the opportunity to speak at one of the events. It feels so good to be able to mix with other businesses doing the same thing and getting ideas of other ways of working.  Everyone in the team is really friendly and supportive especially during the lockdown, checking in with members and arranging the Virtual Coffee Breaks.

Aimee Parkin, News UK

The Shared Services Forum UK is a unique organisation that supports businesses by openly sharing knowledge and expertise through its membership. I have always found the regular networking events and the annual conference to be great way to connect & network with likeminded professionals; to share challenges, experiences, and success stories!  I would always recommend this organisation as a must to Finance and HR professionals; it has a vision to share learning and provide a platform for its membership to develop and grow in hugely supportive environment

Duncan Trubody, SPX Flow Europe

Being part of the SSF Network has allowed us to understand what our peers are doing, hear about areas of innovation and technology, and also troubleshoot some of the day to day issues we face in Shared Services. It’s always comforting to know that you’re not the only one facing a problem – especially useful during the year we’ve had!

The most useful thing for me has been the fact that the network does not end with the quarterly meetings – we have built up a group of contacts that we can ask about specific challenges/strategies as and when they come up.

Looking to implement a technology? Someone has done it. Looking to outsource or bring in new scope? Someone has done it.

This kind of insight is invaluable and everyone is happy to pick up the phone and share their thoughts and experiences.

Lisa Dennis, SPX Flow Europe

Becoming members of the Shared Services Forum UK, 3 years ago, provided News UK with a fantastic network to discuss ideas and knowledge share with.  The events that SSF UK arrange are excellent, from the individual Network meetings to the Annual Conferences.  We have attended one Annual Conference in person and two virtual conferences now, and we have found the speakers to be really relevant and inspiring.  We are looking forward to another fantastic year with SSF UK.

Nikki Hargreaves, News UK

I have moved roles a few times over the past 8 years within a Shared Services environment – elements of P2P, S2P, Customer Services, Digital – and each time I have been welcomed into a new network within SSF UK. I’ve been able to engage with people who work in those fields, to ask questions, to share my opinions and my learning, and this has been invaluable to me every time. The members of the networks have been amazing companions on my work journey and my hope now is that I can create that same atmosphere in the Customer Service network as one of the Network Co-chair's so that others can get the same benefits that I have had.

Matthew Bennell, Amey Business Services

I have been a member of SSF UK for 15+ years and it maintains its position as being the pre-eminent environment for shared service leaders and functional managers to exchange views, best practice and to share the challenges that impact many of us within the industry on a regular basis. Whilst time is a precious commodity, the ability to engage with like-minded professionals from alternate sectors and organisations is a great investment where ‘one nugget’ obtained from the annual conference or a network meeting can add significant value to one’s own shared service centre.

Lee Brittain, Infosys BPM

Hallmark Cards joined Shared Services Forum UK around two and a half years ago, when we created our shared services centre. Being new to the world of shared services, our membership has been an amazing source of support, knowledge and the opportunity to share and grow for us all. We take part in almost all of the network meetings as they cover the different services that we provide, and these have been a wonderful place to meet fellow professionals who generously share their knowledge and who understand the challenges that we face - we are not alone! The annual conference events have been fantastic, with some really great speakers who have been thought provoking too. We come away with new ideas to explore every year.

Sharon Thackray, Hallmark Cards

The Shared Service Forum UK is an invaluable toolkit for organisations which helps leverage further benefits out of your SSC. 

The variety of information available through the specialist networks creates new ideas or validates the path you are taking and allows you to learn from others whilst sharing your successes. The networks keep you relevant with the latest best practice which in turn drives strategic longer term goals or shorter term quick wins. 

The events are well organised, well structured and well delivered in an open and supportive environment creating trust and respect amongst peers. These sessions with like-minded people, who are happy to share their time and experience, create opportunities for individuals to develop and grow their careers.

I am more than happy to recommend this network to others, it's been vitally important to me and my organisation and I'm sure it will be to you and yours too.

Ian Butterworth, ITV

BDO joined Shared Services Forum UK about 4 years ago as our own Shared Service Centre was entering a very fast growth cycle. The ability to network, share good practice and discuss common themes with like-minded professionals has been invaluable to myself and my management team in helping shape our thinking and direction as we have developed our service portfolio to our business. The SSF events and network structure provides a great way to collaborate with specialists and leaders in their respective discipline areas. I have found the SSF events extremely beneficial and look forward to many more!

Nigel Britton, BDO LLP

I’ve been involved with the Forum now for around 6 years and I’m still impressed with how the forum evolves to meet the needs of the membership.

This last year I have been co-chair of the combined HR and Payroll network and look forward to spending time with the various companies represented at the forum.  It is an invaluable pool of best practice and subject matter expertise.  I recently attended the annual conference themed on Reconnect | Reset | Reinvent and boy did it deliver!  It was so refreshing to see people face to face in a conference setting, learning from each other and setting new goals for the future.

Katie Duxbury, Bupa UK

I’ve been lucky enough to attend lots of events and network with the Shared Service Forum UK for a few years now, they are an amazing organistation and every event or network session has been run perfectly. I find every event invaluable and the networks of people it has opened up has created some great relationships and food for thought.

The yearly conferences both virtual and face to face have been fantastic, it was so good to be together again a few weeks ago and ‘Re-connect’, Reset’ and Re-invent’.

I had the great opportunity to be a guest speaker at a Digital and Operational Excellence networking event recently, the support and collaboration with the network chairs and SSF UK was something I had never experienced before. The event went so so well and is a huge testament to the way the chairs and team members all work together.

Justine Oxley, Hallmark Cards

I am a relatively new member to SSF UK and the Shared Service Forum UK team have made me feel very welcome. 

There is a wealth of knowledge and expertise across the networks to learn from and on occasions I have reached out to other members and the Shared Services Team who have been hugely supportive in helping address my work challenges. 

Looking forward to an engaging year ahead building new connections with other members.

Nichola Murphy, HSCNI BSO

Shared Service Forum UK is a great organisation and provides a supportive community of other professionals and businesses in various functions to share ideas, challenges and solutions to problems that otherwise would not be available.

The events are engaging, covering up to date topics and issues and full of useful content.

Andrew Doogan, Illumina

Highly recommend this Forum to anyone wanting to get into/are in HR/Payroll or HRS. An amazing network.

Asha Wilde, BT Group

I have really enjoyed being part of the SSF UK while working in various Shared Service organisations and functions. The forum is a fantastic source of knowledge about processes, new technologies and best practices. 

Over the years the forum helped me to find solutions to my problems, gain many insights into trends and meet likeminded people to share ideas with.

The events are always well organised and fun to attend. I am very happy to have the opportunity to support the community as a Co-Chair of the Purchase to Pay network.’

Malgorzata Mendyk, Lonza Biologics

A truly unique forum, from humble beginnings of local few Practioners and organisations from around Salford Quays and Manchester areas, genuinely wanting to learn and exchange, to then build a not for profit international group with mandate for the members, with the members, to extend that knowledge exchange and support framework. 20 years on and look how that seed has grown.

Gillian Barton, Otis Elevator

This is my first experience of being a member of a networking forum and I have to say my experience so far has been absolutely great.  The networking opportunities are vast and the events scheduled throughout the year, both face to face and online allows me the time to attend and to be involved. The events are well thought through and extremely interactive giving me the opportunity to meet and talk to like-minded professionals and be involved in discussions around industry trends and hot topics.

The Shared Services Forum UK team & members are so welcoming you really feel like a part of a giant team, I have already learnt so much over the last few months and I am really looking forward to seeing what 2024 will bring

Natalie Hersey, Cadent Gas

The Shared Services Forum provides a fantastic opportunity to collaborate and share knowledge with organisations from other industries.

The online and in person events provide a great insight into what other companies are doing and allow members to network within a supportive environment to discuss key industry topics and updates. 

Lyndsey Bryne, RSA

I have been a member of the forum for a number of years and learnt so much. For me, it’s a great place to unite in the challenges we face, a place for reassurance that others are doing the same, a place to learn how other shared services have grown and most importantly a network of like-minded industry professionals that I can call upon when seeking lessons learned. 

Following advice from members, I have digitalised the customer experience, implemented customer satisfaction metrics, captured meaningful data, transformed the support model and learnt of the emerging technologies to get ahead of. I’d be lost without the forum and forever thankful for the connections I have made.

Melanie Hudson, BT Group

SSF UK events are brilliantly run by Alex and Lynsey, they are always so welcoming and accommodating for both in-person events available in addition to the remote sessions throughout the year.

In a time where there are so many evolving technologies to navigate, these events provide a valuable opportunity to share honest results amongst like-minded professionals who experience similar challenges, and who appreciate what “success” could look like in the O2C and P2P world.

I look forward to the upcoming events and meeting even more SSF UK members.

Helina Lad, Network Plus

Being part of the Shared Services Forum UK has been really rewarding. They offer a number of different network events both online and in person throughout the year.

The network events are an opportunity to share ideas and best practice and to meet people in similar roles from different industries who also share similar challenges.

Collaboration week offers a week of online sessions covering many different topics from leadership and management to mental health and wellbeing.

The annual conference is a great opportunity to network with other members are the sponsors and the guest speakers are inspiring.

I would definitely recommend joining Shared Services Forum UK.

Nicola Normyle, ISG 

For the past three years, I have been an active participant in Shared Services Forum UK, attending both online and in-person events, as well as annual conferences. These experiences have been incredibly enlightening and engaging, offering a wealth of networking opportunities. The collaborative spirit of the Forum has fostered a vibrant community where knowledge is shared freely, paving the way for professional growth and development.

The insights and vendor engagements I've experienced here have been beneficial in supporting our Finance transformation. Along with the various networks which are consistently well-organised and enjoyable to attend. Each day offers an opportunity for learning. Looking forward to another collaborating year as the network grows!

Rajdeep Dosanjh, Bupa UK

The Shared Service Forum UK is an invaluable group that I would recommend any SSC to join.

Having being part of the forum for over 2 years I have met some wonderful, knowledgeable people from other SSC where we can share experiences in a safe and secure environment.

All events may that be in person or online are really well organised and with advance bookings, which give you time to prepare and arrange travel is required.

We have hosted an event in our office also which was great to see so many people attend and see our way of working.

Finally but more importantly Lynsey and Alex are amazing, super helpful and really make you feel part of the team with their warm and energetic personalities.

Deborah Callaghan, Lonza

Working with the Shared Services Forum UK has been an absolute privilege. I have found topics covered in the events I have attended and Co-Chaired, to be particularly insightful. 

It is really useful having a peer group from such varied backgrounds and experience.

Kerstie Blatchly, Shared Services Connected Limited

I have had the privilege of being a member of the SSF UK for approximately three years, and I am thrilled to have recently taken on the role of Co-Chair for the Customer Experience group. Throughout my time with the forum, I have gained invaluable insights from other businesses and recognised numerous synergies along the way.

The forum has truly demonstrated the importance of talking and sharing best practices. It is a platform where members can openly discuss challenges and successes, generating a collaborative environment that drives continuous improvement.While it is essential to be mindful of our time, participating is undoubtedly time well spent. The learnings and connections made here are endless, and the benefits extend far beyond the immediate discussions.

I wholeheartedly recommend the Forum to anyone looking to enhance their knowledge and network within the shared services community. It is an exceptional platform that has significantly contributed to my professional growth and development.

Cathie Fillingham, Amey Group Services

SSF UK has provided me with the ability to connect with other industry professionals. The sessions I’ve been involved with have always been really informative, engaging and relevant, 

I have found these to be fantastic opportunities to build relationships, further expanding my knowledge and network.

Daniel Edwards, Cadent Gas

Being a member of the Shared Services Forum UK has been invaluable for our Shared Service Centre. The events and networking opportunities have provided us with insights and best practices that have significantly enhanced our Source to Pay processes.

Andy Powell, Co-op Group

Shared Services Forum UK is a great community to be a part of. Offering workshops that provide help and support with challenges you always feel only you are experiencing as a team, which is never the case! Giving you a chance to discuss, take on ideas and share your successes with others.

The annual conference is fantastic and has given us some great contacts with other organisations in the same sector. The speakers are always inspirational with Lynsey and Alex being the perfect hosts.

Clair Day

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